When I was younger I had very serious plans for my future (and I still do), something like finding parallel universes and discovering how to move through the time. But I loved people and living too. I was also thinking about being a psychologist, a neurobiologist, an actress! Funny fact: when my mom asked me who I wanted to be in the future, I said “a housekeeper, a dancer, or… Keep Reading
I almost gave up today.. It was hot, sunny, and hot. Not like yesterday. ⚪️Many people are trying to convince me that best day for taking photos is a sunny day! I am sorry guys, but that is not true. Sun looks good on pictures if: -It’s setting.-It’s rising.-We are catching the light glare on sunrise or sunset.-You are in the shade, haha ? The reason is that sun creates… Keep Reading
Hey, guys! So, my name is Anastasia, I am the photographer and it’s my 6th attempt to start the blog.. It probably sounds funny to you, but it’s honestly very difficult for me. I hate knowing that I could be looking at the sky now, but instead I am typing something, but I guess I have many good things to share!I now promise to all of you and myself to… Keep Reading
Dear Friend, If you are here, I guess we are going to meet very soon and I would be happy to give you some tips on how to get ready for the photoshoot! First of all, I would like to say, that this is a very individual thing to discuss, since all of us have different preferences for outfits, styles, and ideas for the photoshoot; different types of hair, skin and eyes’ colors, and… Keep Reading
Dear Friend, Sometimes we all feel “stuck” with something, especially while trying to come up a new position on a photoshoot! And that is absolutely okay! Everyone, even a professional model, sometimes needs a help with shaping body the right way. One of my goals, as of a photographer, is to help you feel confident, open, and comfortable in front of the camera, while directing you in the right position. In this post… Keep Reading
Dear Friend, In this post I would like to talk to you about Newborn Photography. Newborn Photography is one of the most difficult genres: besides knowing how to set up good lighting and props, you also need to know how to work with a 7-14 days old baby, that is a very responsible task. You have to be worried about baby’s safety and comfort first of everything. Please let me… Keep Reading
Dear Friend, Everyone is special and we all have different ways to go, but I think all the ways are leading to one thing- happiness, and I guess I got it! In this post I would like to share with you my story, which is pretty long, but I will try my best to keep it short.. This story will be more of a reflection of my personal life, hence feelings… Keep Reading